Week 4 - still in Spain

Нашр шудааст: 11.12.2021

And another week has passed. Time seems to fly even faster here than at home. And yet, I have much less to do here and no obligations...

I went to the reservoir 'Embalse de la Rambla de Algecira'. The short ascent was easy to handle with this view.

Afterwards, I headed towards Aguílas via Lorca. There was a parking lot located at two dreamy bays, waiting for me. I decided to stay for two nights instead of just one. Naturally, other campers had found the parking lot as well, but that didn't bother me. At least I wasn't alone at night, which made me feel safer than before.

The parking lot is located right on the border of the province of Andalucía. So, starting today, I am in the province of Andalucía, where I will spend the next few weeks.

The thermometer shows 24 degrees today, which means it's time for shorts and a t-shirt :-) By the way, I started the day with a refreshing dip in the sea - I could easily get used to that.

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