
Sixth Stage of the Camino Portugues da Costa from A Guarda to Viladeduso

Нашр шудааст: 21.09.2024

This morning my hotel was completely shrouded in fog, it looked really eerie. I could barely see far at all. Around 9:30 I slowly started making my way. It was funny to see three sheep standing in a field, with a magpie perched on one of them, and all four animals staring in my direction. Since the fog had lifted a bit, I was determined to walk down to the harbor again. The Camino went in another direction, and two locals gestured towards the Camino while I pointed at a sign for the harbor. Aaaaah, and their thumbs went up :-).

Upon arriving at the harbor, I sat on a bench and enjoyed the view. As I was about to leave, I actually spotted two dolphins in the water. I thought I must be seeing things. One 🐬 lay on its back, repeatedly throwing its head up into the air. It was amazing. To me, it looked like they were playing. Eventually, they slowly swam out of the harbor, and I watched them until I could no longer see them. I had a constant grin on my face, what a great start to the day.

The path continued along the sea. Of course, I kept looking at the sea to see if any dolphins would appear again. Then there were two sections on the Camino cycle path. I didn’t mind it at all since there were hardly any cyclists around. It was just a bit unpleasant because a main road also ran alongside it with numerous cars passing by.

After about 2 hours, I took a break at a beach café. They had delicious lemon cake and fresh orange juice. Littlefoot is now pinned up on the café's bulletin board :-). I got to stick her sticker there, which was really cool. When I wanted to continue, I had to adjust my shoes for probably the umpteenth time today. I’ve never had such problems with any of my shoes before.

Well, I walked through a small village. From afar, you could already hear loud music. When I turned onto a small square, there were numerous locals standing and sitting around. It seemed like a festival was happening there. I sat on a wall and watched the hustle and bustle for a little while.

Eventually, I had enough and continued on. It was only 5 km left to my hotel. I walked this stretch with a Chinese woman. The exchange with her was incredibly interesting and also funny. She had a spider on her arm and was hysterically swatting at it with her trekking poles. She must have asked me three times, 'the spider is gone'? 'Yes, it is gone' :-) yuck, I couldn’t have swatted it off either; I also find spiders disgusting :-). Oh how nice, there are still some crazy people who react just like I do. Shortly after, we reached our hotels and said goodbye.

It was 19.6 kilometers to my hotel today :-).

Upon arriving at my hotel, I took a shower first. Then I took a taxi to Decathlon in Vigo. There I got myself new shoes. The exact same pair that I have at home. So I know that I can walk well in them :-). Starting tomorrow, I’ll wear these, and the 'stupid shoes' I’ll hang on my backpack :-(!

So, now it's off to bed, good night, best regards, Anke
