Atlantic, here we come!

Нашр шудааст: 13.10.2021

Full of anticipation, the alarm clock rang at 4am on October 4th, 2021. After a little sleep, we set off with a little delay to our first destination towards the border with France. After over 400km, and as it should come with start-up difficulties, we ended up in Kirkel for the first overnight stay. When we started driving, one of Polly's brake lights went out and we started in the hope that nobody would stop us. It must also be admitted that a few days before we had to realize with horror that we were overloaded with over 100kg. Here too we took the risk and could hardly leave any more ballast behind. After a night, we cross the border to France and spend the night at a lake near Troyes. After about another 400km, we arrive in Troyes (the light bulb was just not securely attached...). A small student town with the beautiful river Loire. After a city tour and replenishing our supplies, we continue towards the largest sand dune in Europe - Dune du Pilat. We are the only caravan on this campsite. After arriving and trying to place Polly on the pitch, we also realized why... Try moving a caravan by hand in sand... Not a pleasant affair! After several attempts, Polly is satisfactorily standing and after a short break, we can climb the dune. The view is breathtaking! Sand, so much sand - one could think one is in the desert. The sunset - a dream! Rocky completely in his element and zooming through the sand. After 3 days and a trip to Pyla (because we couldn't find a parking space in Archachon), we continue to northern Spain. Shortly after arriving at the campsite behind the border, the view leaves us speechless. We could hardly have expected it to be so beautiful. Direct view of the city, beach and Atlantic while brewing the coffee in the morning. What more could a woman want?! Just as we dreamed/hoped for it. We stay at this beautiful place for 3 nights, until the plans change spontaneously. But we still don't want to miss a trip to San Sebastian. Tomorrow we will start towards Madrid, because the next longer destination is Andalusia, to visit Nicole's cousin, who is currently recording a new album there with his band.

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Hi, Sand, Düne, Strand, das hört sich toll an. Viel Spaß in Madrid und später in Andalusien. LG, E.

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