Valparaiso 1st day

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 30.01.2020

In Valparaiso, we are staying at a Catholic school. The sports hall has been converted into a sleeping area. Unfortunately, our sleeping bags are still in the container, so we have to improvise for the first night due to a lack of sheets or similar. Valparaiso is a typical South American city. The school director showed us some interesting sights today. During the tour, in the middle of the city, I had a swollen left eye for some time due to tear gas, the origin of which we could not locate, but thankfully it calmed down quickly. Ecki was also affected, although not to the same extent.
The steel plates in front of the shops, which can be seen in two pictures, are installed for protection due to nightly riots by protesting citizens that have been taking place in Chile for months. They can be seen throughout the city center.


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