Inselhopping in Palawan

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 25.06.2023

Today we went on a boat tour and island hopping. We were on the boat for a total of 8 hours and there were only six of us. The weather was mixed; it drizzled from time to time and the sun didn't shine. That was perfect because there was no danger of getting sunburned. When we felt cold at noon, we just went into the sea to warm up 😁.

At the first snorkeling spot, we were able to snorkel with sea turtles again. In the nearby reef, we were able to admire many fish, and we found Nemo again.

At the second spot, we anchored in the middle of the sea and snorkeled in a coral reef. The corals were completely intact and very colorful. Unfortunately, not all of the pictures turned out well. In addition, there is an incredibly large number of fish living there and the sea floor was shallow. There we fed fish with a banana directly from our hands. That was a unique experience 😍!

At noon, we had lunch on a deserted beach. The captain and his cook cooked the food in the boat's control room. There was a large fresh tuna, pork, chicken, vegetables, salad, sauce, rice, and fresh fruit for dessert. We brought our own rum and cola to celebrate Chris' birthday 🥳.

Afterwards, we went to a sandbank in the middle of the sea to take a walk and see starfish. At first, we didn't think they were real. They looked like clay decorations.

Finally, we visited a picturesque village. After a short trip through the jungle, we were able to swim under a waterfall. Due to low tide, we unfortunately couldn't dock at the beach of our resort and had to return to the port 😉.


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