
Tujuan Popular Peru

Waktos perjalanan pangsaéna Peru

Peru Sorotan

Blog Perjalanan Anyar & Unggulan Peru

22.10. Jacas Chica -3,800 m -

The hustle and bustle in the plaza wakes me up this morning at three o'clock. Intoxicated Peruvians ...

21.10. Huallanca - 1,840 m -

also this morning I saved 10 soles and had breakfast at the other restaurant. I am early because I w...

ab 06.10.: Cajamarca - 2.750 m -

die nacht war ruhig. das peru ./. argentinienspiel ist mit einem 0:0 ausgegangen - sonst wäre an sc...

30.08.: Piura

The comparison is fitting. My hostel room in Hostal Deliciosa resembles a prison cell. The small win...

29.08.: San Pedro de Lloc

This time I had a hostel decorated with love. The breakfast was prepared according to my wishes. Oat...

28.08: Casma - on the way to Ecuador

Driving through a city of 10 to 20 million people on a Monday morning is already an experience. Sinc...

ab 17.08.: Lima

heute also soll es nach ima gehen. küstenstraße, keine berge, wind von der seite und etwas von vorne...