Li-Blogs tse Ncha le Tse Tsoang Pele tsa Maeto Berlin


The condition of the 175 Berlin subway stations is very diverse, both in terms of construction and c...


A little tired? In the side streets, you will easily find suitable sofas or mattresses. A quick smel...

Berlin Botanical Garden and DDR Museum

We almost didn't make it to the DDR Museum from the Botanical Garden, as the bus driver forgot about...

Berlin: Arrival, Neukölln, and Shopping

On the first day, we mainly explored the department stores in the city center.

How to plan an affordable trip to Mallorca?

How to plan an affordable trip to Mallorca? What should you pay attention to, especially when the bu...

Helpful packing tips for your family Mallorca vacation on a budget

A trip to Mallorca is always an adventure. If you want to spend your vacation on the island, you sho...

Find cheap package tours to keep travel costs in check

Find cheap package tours to keep travel costs in check on our website. We have tips for an unforgett...

What you should consider when planning last minute offers

What you should consider when planning a last minute vacation. Find dream travel offers with a small...