La daabacay: 08.10.2018
Sometimes, in certain situations, you just have a bad feeling. However, most of the time, the thoughts you have prove to be unnecessary and 'once again' exaggerated. But then there are also these situations where the bad feeling becomes reality... In short, my backpack did not arrive in Bangkok. No one can say why. Whether it was the 'Tired Man' or the employee at the special handling who joked about sending the backpack to Tokyo, or maybe it was the backpack itself that simply decided to run away from me - we will never know.
So we stood at the airport at 7 a.m. local time and provided my contact information. Just coming back tomorrow doesn't work because tomorrow is the due date for our e-visa for Cambodia, where the date of entry is set. So now we have tried to make it clear to the responsible people that they should send the backpack to Siem Reap in Cambodia. But since the backpack was still not registered anywhere in the world at the end of the day, my hope is diminishing.
But due to Andra's great emotional support, I didn't throw myself into the first hostel bed at 10 a.m., but went out with her and visited Bangkok. And it was worth it. Every 50 meters you can find another temple that either shows off what it can do with great pomp or hides very discreetly in an alley.
And of course, everywhere: Buddhas of all sizes, from small ones that fit in your pocket to tall ones that can tower over a single-family house. Before approaching them, you have to take off your shoes and then remain calm, because many Thais come to the temples to pray, meditate, or simply meet friends.
A special highlight was the visit to the Imperial Palace and Temple, where you are overwhelmed by opulence, gold, and elaborate architecture, and you wonder where the money for all this is supposed to come from, as the whole thing also has to be maintained.