
Pomegranate trees are plentiful in Granada

Lolomiina: 23.04.2022

As the final stop in Andalusia, we visited the city of Granada. We had booked a 6-bed room in a modern hostel, so everyone had their own bed drawer.
Finally, finally, we were able to pick up the redirected package with the Harry Potter books (there could be a separate blog post about that 😉) at the post office. And Mauro could continue reading while Claudio encouraged him, after all, Claudio had caught up in the meantime and now had to stand in line.

On the first day, we bought tickets for the city Tschu-Tschu. After half of the tour, we got off and after a walk through the Arab quarter and lunch at a Moroccan restaurant, we set off on the discovery tour of THE ALHAMBRA. Manda managed to get tickets for the inner palace (Nasrid Palace) online after midnight.
We were convinced at the entrance to take a private (German-speaking) guide. He led us through the "Red Castle/Palace" with all its many attractions and told many interesting things and stories about them. For our taste, there were a bit too many botanical terms and generally too many repetitions. The top 2 repeated terms were: pomegranate tree and "blue rain" (wisteria). The whole complex was huge and impressive: in addition to the actual palace, there were fortification walls, beautifully landscaped gardens, a summer palace, and also the Medina destroyed by Napoleon accessible. Thanks to the guide, it was entertaining, Claudio said after two and a half hours that we had been walking around for an hour and he had enough. After the visit, we missed the last train to take the second half of the Tschu-Tschu ride. Except for Papi, who climbed three Alhambra fortress towers.


From Claudio:
On Wednesday it rained and the boys wished for a day at the hostel. Sandro and Mauro played a lot of Lego and I read a lot. Sandro and I also played billiards several times in the lounge. We only went out for lunch and dinner. Mami and Papi took a walk, and during that time we watched Checker Tobi.


On Thursday, the sun was shining again, and we took the bus to the Science Museum. Sandro liked the "machine" the most, where you can turn the water up and then the water goes a different way. And the room with the mirrors was also fun. Claudio liked the video with the soccer-playing robots. Unfortunately, there were some things that didn't work or were under revision. To end the day, there was an argument because two balls for three boys are simply not enough ☹


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