ප්රකාශිතයි: 23.03.2020
Yeah guys, I'm stuck in New Zealand. I bought (stupidly) a flight ticket for 750€ that had a connection flight in Tokyo where I had to change airports within Tokyo, which is not possible as a German or without Visa. I had an insurance for that but long story short: Online booking services and insurances are just huge d*cks.
So I'm stuck in this beautiful hostel with 20+ people. It feels more like a hippie community then a hostel tho and I'm very happy here.
So this is probably the last travel entry of the blog, I might keep you up to date about my quarantine life at the other end of the world.
But first I'll tell you about my last days traveling!
If you google the Mt Taranaki you find pictures of a very reflective lake which looks just stunning. In reality it is more a pond then a lake but we (Alice and me) went there anyway.
Aaaaand there we are!
On the way back there was a helicopter at the hut and believe it or not but he only came to get the full toilet out of there and bringing an empty one.
We drove to where Dan stayed and had a small party with Rocky, his kids, his girlfriend and Dan.
We saw starlink, Elon Musks satellite program. You can observe them from time to time in New Zealand when they get launched. In the beginning they fly in a straight line, later they spread apart and orbit our planet individually.
I sold Otto in Auckland, the capital and went to the hostel. Here are some pictures of it, it's really lovely!
I'll chill here with the other stranded backpackers/camper van owners and wait for Germany to get us back home.
Lockdown will come after tomorrow and we get cozy here, at least we are all in great company.
Call me if you get too bored and we have some quarantine talk across the globe 😂
So far so good, stay safe, healthy and away from others,