Day 10 on Rügen (Wednesday 13.10.2021)

प्रकाशित: 14.10.2021

Day 10 on Rügen (Wednesday 13.10.2021)

On the way to Cape Arkona, Gabi could not put down her exciting book, just like the day before, and kept me updated on the progress of the novel.

Since it is usually cool on the coast, I wore a turtleneck under my sweater and also advised Gabi to wear leggings under her thin pants, but when we arrived, we were greeted with a bright blue sky and the sun beating down from above.

The parking lot was once again far from our destination, but this time we immediately booked the tram, which took us up on old cobblestone pavement.

Up there, we experienced the same thing as at Königsstuhl. Tourist crowds populated the area. There was a line in front of the walkable lighthouse and the bunker museum was the same. We strolled around and I marveled at the huge bunker complexes. Somehow, everything here was undermined, as there were underground exits everywhere.

An entrance to the Slavic castle site, of which only the rampart remains, was unfortunately not accessible, so we could no longer reach the place of the temple complex that I remembered. Between the 6th and 8th century, the temple complex is said to have been built on the plateau. In the temple, there was said to be a very large statue with four heads. One of the photos of a wooden work seems to be based on this idea. The complex had a size of about 300 to 350 meters. However, the cliff coast loses about 20 centimeters every year, so this complex will eventually disappear completely. That is why it is also no longer accessible and all you can see is the piled up and overgrown rampart.

The plant growth here is abundant. Among other things, salt marsh and the endangered sea kale grow here.

There was also an artist's house set up here on top. I marveled at many works, the jewelry, and the woodwork. A large purple fish caught my eye, but it was too expensive in the end.

As agreed, we now set off on foot to Vitt. A small fishing village with 13 houses and 16 inhabitants awaited us. Along the way along the cliff coast, there were always great views of chalk cliffs and the wide sea. Shortly before reaching the destination, we saw the small harbor and reached the destination via an unpleasant staircase. Cute thatched houses nestled together and we enjoyed ourselves extensively at a restaurant. Vitt is an originally preserved settlement. Already in the 10th century, it belonged as a port and trading place to the Slavic castle complex. Then we went back to the little chapel, from where the tram took us back to the parking lot.

We also made a stop at Rügenhof. But you can't really call it a museum. Because the whole courtyard was occupied by shops and cafes. Although you should be able to see old handicrafts here, both the basket maker and a wood carver limited themselves to selling their goods. What was the use of signs like sheep stable and pigsty on the buildings when nothing was in its original state anymore? Here too, there were masses of tourists, so we quickly boarded the next tram to the parking lot and laughed about the fact that we heard many people complaining about the ascent and descent. Just like a girl who did exactly what we were playing. 'Mom, I don't want to walk anymore.'

On the way back, Gabi kept me updated on the events in the book, and when we got home, we found that two bulldogs had moved into the neighboring house. So no more free run for Ayko, as the male dog was not exactly friendly.

उत्तरम्‌ (2)

Was gibt es alles zu sehen auf Rügen! Wieder sehr interessant.

War doch ein schöner Tag.