
It is only 50 km from Brandenburg to Mecklenburg-West Pomerania

Publicado: 09.08.2023

I start lightly and cheerfully around 11:00 am.

The wind is coming from the west today, and since I'm cycling east, that means a tailwind for me.😜 I put on my wind jacket and hope that it functions as a sail.

The sun shines on my face, and with "Chill House" music that goes straight to my legs instead of my ears, I pedal confidently. Today, I have to cycle 50 km to Sietow behind Röbel.

However, things get tough between Dammwolde and Knüppeldamm.

Either the wind has changed or I'm going in the wrong direction. 🤔

I am helplessly pushed by the wind onto the other lane. The few cars coming towards me certainly have their thoughts, but with a slight shrug of my shoulders and a disarmed smile, I hope to appease them.🤷🏼‍♀️

As if the strong wind isn't enough of an obstacle on my bike tour, my designated route suddenly comes to an end. Road closure. 😫

There's no one in the excavator. They're probably on their lunch break. 🤔 I check the attachment of the remaining pavement and decide to continue riding on it.

Quickly looking left and right to see if anyone is watching,😗 I hoist the bike over the barrier tape and continue. I don't feel like taking detours right now. Who knows how long the weather will stay this friendly. 🌤️

Unfortunately, for reasons unknown to me, the pavement suddenly changes from solid to sandy, and I have no choice but to push my bike. Even in road construction, they do whatever they want...

After about 1 km, I have overcome this stretch, too. 😤I'm sweating, and just when I think a shower would be perfect, I get one from above. It starts raining heavily. 🌧️

Well prepared, I casually put on my little black raincoat, except it's not black but rather gray. And it's not little but rather huge. I look incredibly sexy in my rain cape.🤣

But it lives up to its promise. I stay dry. (Thanks to my neighbor)🙏🏼

The rain doesn't last long. ☀️ I take off my rain gear again and get closer to my destination.

Nevertheless, I now feel a slight hunger. What would I give for a hot dog with bread and a coffee right now.🌭

I quickly ask about a pub. "There's no pub, but there's a milk vending machine," a passing cyclist tells me.

Wow, how people's health consciousness has changed.🙄

Well, I'll start with a fresh strawberry milk for now. I also use the available power outlet to charge my phone battery. It's almost like being in a pub, I think.😉

Quickly taking a few photos - not on, but next to the cow 🐄 - and off I go.

I'm doing well on time, I guess, since I don't have a speedometer with me. I'm not really good with numbers... as an accountant. 😂

After half a liter of milk 🥛, my stomach finally speaks up and demands something to eat.

My prayers are answered, and I spot a snack bar. Simple and just right.

Instead of a hot dog, I get a bratwurst, but the coffee is good.

Strengthened, I continue, and I reach my destination after a total of 4.5 hours of cycling.

I think my fitness has improved.😜


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