
Silvester 2023 in Speyer

خپور شوی: 02.01.2024

Speyer on December 31, 202

Who would have thought: the local newspaper put a list of Christmas markets in the paper before Christmas. Lots of them are still open until January 6th.

We chose the market in Speyer. The weather wasn't as hoped - it was raining again. Regardless of this, there were already many buses from different locations in the parking lot at the cathedral. But that wasn't our goal today. At least we found a parking space near the market, paid parking fees and we were right in the middle of it all.

Of course, many stalls had various versions of mulled wine, almonds and bratwurst. But this market also reminded me of the markets in Italy. Various tablecloths, hats, gloves and toys of all kinds were offered. But the most beautiful thing were the Christmas trees, which were decorated by various school classes and kindergartens. They stood in front of, behind and next to the stalls. Everyone had put in a lot of effort and the signs showed which class or group had decorated each tree. Even if the stars and co. made from orange peels no longer smelled – the idea alone was good. We strolled past all the stalls in the rain, enjoyed a bratwurst and then drove home a little damp.

We will definitely pay a second visit to Speyer; without Christmas market - possibly in spring. That was definitely our last trip for 2023.

See you then - in 2024


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