9. Etappe Teil 2 nach Carrión de los Condes

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 08.11.2023

After the break I thought about how far I would go today. I had the option of going just under 16km to Frómista or even further to Carrión de los Condes, which would add another 20km on top. But I felt well strengthened and it was also very tempting because there was accommodation in the further away town where you could get a single room for €18. In general I have no problem with group accommodation and that's part of it for me, but at the beginning of the route I had two nights with snoring pilgrims and other annoying things, so if there is an option I tend to prefer accommodation where there are maybe only four or 6 beds and not a room with 50 beds. It won't be possible to avoid that on the way and that's perfectly fine, but of course I won't say no to a single room either. So I decided to move forward. That's why I didn't take a break in the next town of Frómista, but continued on. Now we entered the "Pilgrim Highway", a path specially designed for pilgrims to St. James, which runs directly next to a country road. A lot of the landscape could be seen left and right and it felt like a car only came by every 10 minutes, so there was peace and quiet. I didn't see a single pilgrim on the entire route. But I would say that I had already underestimated the path. Because even though there was no incline, it was 20 km long. Luckily the weather was nice, but as it started to get dark, I motivated myself for the last hour with a podcast. I saw a dead fox on the way and am glad I didn't come across another one on the way. When we finally arrived in Carrión de los Condes it was already dark. And I went shopping at the supermarket and then straight to the accommodation. I had over 50km on the clock and just wanted to rest. When we arrived the accommodation looked closed. It was already shortly after 7 p.m. and I was ready to look for another place to stay, but after a bell and a phone call, a nice old woman came and opened the door for me. The building is a former boarding school. It offers over 200 seats and I was actually the first pilgrim today. She gave me a room with a private bathroom and heating. I showered, ate and enjoyed this great place. The bed was super comfortable and there were even towels. But I was already very exhausted from the day and quickly fell asleep.


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