Bilbiloota Imala Haaraa fi Mul'atan Cape Town

Helicopter flight over Cape Town

Helicopter tour to the Cape of Good Hope, a different perspective on everything we have already expl...

Blouberg Beach

Excursion to Blouberg Beach with a stunning view of Table Mountain.

Cape Peninsula

An eventful day, visiting Muizenberg, St. James, Simon's Town, Boulder Beach with the penguins, the ...

Hopp On, Hopp Off

Wednesday was all about Hopp on/Hopp off, first we took the red double-decker around the whole route...

Capetown, here we come.....

We made the most of the first day, explored Victoria and Albert Waterfront, refreshed ourselves at M...

Keep Gubbaa (11.8.19) .

Har'a hundi keenya xiqqoo dadhabnee rifannaa kaleessaa daakuun dirqama ta'e. Nuti BO-Kaap, kutaa Mus...

Keep Peeniinsulaa 8/10/19

Har'a konkolaataa keenyaan Keep Peeniinsulaa keessa naanna'uuf dafnee kaane.

Guyyaa dubartootaa Kapstadt keessatti (9.8.19)

Har'a Afriikaa Kibbaatti kabaja dubartoota sirna Appaartaayidii mormaniif ayyaana ummataa ture.

Kapstadt - Rhodes Memorial V&A Tulluu Mallattoo qarqara bishaanii (20.7.19)

Barattoota jijjiirraa biroo tokko tokko waliin har'a ammas gara Keep Taawun deemne.

Keep Taawun kan jalqabaa (13.7.19)

Har'a gara Keep Taawun deemne. Miira keessa seenuuf, daawwannaa otobusii irraa hop on hop off kan bi...

Week 11 and 12 - South Africa

We used the last few days to decide where to go in Africa. The plan was made and we knew that we cou...