
Usedom 2020

Maxxanfame: 11.06.2020

I have now decided to create a travel blog, even if I probably won't update it daily. But it is always a nice memory if I don't delete it again (unfortunately, like Thailand).

Just like last year, I am staying in the most beautiful vacation apartment on Usedom, with Ute and Dietmar Pühler ( I had already booked in September 2019. Then came CORONA and the island was not open again for 'Wessis' until the end of May. Just three more sleeps and the Deutsche Bahn will take me there. At least, I hope so. Mr. Hermes already picked up my suitcase yesterday. It will arrive before me. I hope so too.

A bike has already been pre-ordered, not a regular bike, but an electric one.

Deebii (2)

...SUPER ...

Es durften nicht nur keine Wessis, sondern auch keine Ossis nach MV. Schön, dass es seit 25. Mai nicht mehr so ist. :-)
