
Reisverhalen Canada

Beste reistijd Canada

Canada Hoogtepunten

Nieuwe en aanbevolen reisblogs Canada

17. Stop Toronto, Ontario

On Saturday, 21.12. I took the bus to Toronto and arrived in the evening. I stayed here until the ne...

13. Stop Amherst, Nova Scotia

Ik bracht de 39e dag van mijn reis, 10 december 2019, door in Amherst, Nova Scotia. Het kleine stadj...

Dag 2 en 3 in Halifax

Het stadhuis is de grootste administratieve zaal in het oosten van Canada en is naast Halifax verant...

1. Tag in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Op vrijdag 6 december Ik nam 's ochtends de bus naar mijn volgende halte en arriveerde rond 14.00 uu...

10. Stop Edmonton, Alberta

My route took me past the North Saskatchewan River. I had a great view from a higher vantage point. ...

Arrival in the Rocky Mountains

On Tuesday, 19.11., I took a public bus to the airport in Kelowna in the morning to fly to Calgary. ...

5. Stop Vernon, British Columbia

On Friday, 15.11. I spent my day on the bus. There was a layover in Kamploops, where I experienced m...

4. Stop Vancouver, British Columbia

I got up early in the morning and took the ferry to the mainland. Luckily, there was no more rain pr...