Villa Pehunia- so beautiful

प्रकाशित: 30.03.2023

Today we continued to Villa Pehunia.

By now we are very good at packing quickly. So we left early to pick up our laundry. We made a stop at a bakery to get some provisions. Mattis and Flora really wanted to have one more goodbye crêpe. So we sent the kids off to get a crêpe. Heike and Christian had to settle for dry sandwiches from the bakery (this time without meat).

We already know Villa Pehunia pretty well, as last time we spent around 4 hours looking for a suitable accommodation. This time, we wanted to make better use of our time and reserved our old accommodation in advance. But still, we couldn't resist the temptation to check out a few more accommodations, hoping to find an even better one. But that wasn't the case, so we went to our already booked accommodation with a clear conscience and happily. There we were immediately greeted by the dog and the cat from last time. The cat immediately raced into our apartment and occupied a chair. There she lazily lay around all day.

Once we had stored all our luggage in the apartment, we went to the real reason why we came back here: the train restaurant and the train ice cream shop. To our dismay, however, the train restaurant was closed during the period we were there. Luckily, the ice cream shop was open. That was much more important to the kids anyway.

After the shock, we first went to our favorite butcher shop and bought liver sausage and lots of meat and beer. For the last time, we enjoyed shopping at reasonable prices. Because although the average Argentine wage is comparable to the Chilean wage, food in Chile is twice as expensive.

We made ourselves comfortable in our accommodation. Unfortunately, we had to stay inside the apartment because the wind had changed and the bad weather was coming from the Andes towards us. So we couldn't grill outside. But a proper Argentine accommodation also has a huge grill indoors. So we went to the indoor grill and fired it up. Luckily, this room had a ping pong table, because firing it up took a bit longer than expected. In the meantime, word had apparently spread among the dogs and cats that we were back. Three dogs and two cats gathered around us. The cats had a lot of fun with the ping pong ball. They kept grabbing the small ball to play with it. Heike and the kids had a lot of fun with this, while Christian cursed the poor quality of the wood in the background. When the fire was finally ready for grilling, Christian realized that Flora had already fed half of our meat to the animals. Luckily, there were still potatoes because the animals didn't want those.

Heike and the kids were happy that they had fed the animals, and they went to bed in a good mood. Christian went to sleep less pleased.


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