03 nach Denia

प्रकाशित: 18.03.2024

Distance 46.4 kilometers, cum. 167 kilometers | Altitude 100, cum. 320

Today started off very sporty. I had to bring my eBike into the small lift alone and therefore lift it up at the front. I only managed to do this when I also took out the batteries. But even so, the bike still has a considerable weight.

It was foggy outside when we started. And it stayed that way most of the time, only occasionally did the sun shine through. The temperature was also much lower than yesterday, but that didn't bother me, on the contrary, I prefer it to being too warm. The shops here don't open until 9:00 a.m., so I had to postpone my small shopping. And along the way I couldn't find a grocery store or bakery anywhere. But I found good oranges fresh from the tree again.

Today's route wasn't planned to be long in advance, it was only supposed to be about 35 km. Since I arrived at my destination much too early, I drove all over the city and then along the sea.

There are also big festivities here in Denia, like the ones I have experienced over the last two days. Tomorrow is the highlight and also the end of the festival. My host told me earlier that there would be a lot of fireworks all over the city today.

Since I was here so early, I had plenty of time to enjoy a leisurely lunch in a restaurant. For just €14 there was a salad, a plate of prawns, and a baked fish with French fries.

Shortly before 2:00 a.m. I received instructions via WhatsApp on how to get to my room. The code for the front door worked right away, but after that it became more difficult. Especially because I had to climb six steps to where I could store my e-bike. Up to the fifth level it actually went quite well as expected, but somehow the sixth level had a problem, or rather I had a problem with the e-bike. I saw the fall coming and both the e-bike and I found ourselves at the foot of the stairs. My journey could almost have ended here. Luckily there were only two small injuries that will remind me of Denia for the next few days. A second problem was on the first floor where the key box was. My box was empty and so my host had to come over to let me into the room. My predecessors from last night hid the keys behind a flower pot in the kitchen. But that only became clear after a call with these guests. I wonder what was going through people's minds when they left the keys like that.


Hoy empezamos muy sports. You can take my eBike solo with a small amount of adjustment and lifting for longer. Just log in and the batteries will be saved. As well as this, the motorcycle also costs a considerable peso.

Afuera había niebla cuando empezamos. Y así permaneció the mayor parte del tiempo, just de vez en cuando brillaba el sol. The temperature también was much more low that ayer, but no me molestó, al contrario, prefiero que haga demasiadodo calor. Las tiendas aquí no abren hasta las 9:00 am, así que tuve que poponer mis pequeñas compras. Y en el camino no pude found a tienda de comestibles or a panadería por ningún lado. Pero volví a encontrar buenas naranjas recien cortadas del árbol.

The recorrido de hoy no estaba planeado with mucha antelación, se suponía que solo sería de unos 35 km. If you are in a timely manner in my destination, you can stay in the city and enjoy the sea.

These are great fiestas in Denia, as they are vivid in the last days. This is the culminating moment and then the final of the festival. I heard from you before that I had a lot of artificial fires in the city.

Even if it's tempting, you'll have a lot of time to enjoy a tranquil alpine setting in a restaurant. On its own for 14€ you get a salad, a plato of prawns and a fish with pork with patatas fritas.

Starting at 2:00 am, you will receive instructions via WhatsApp from your home. The code for the entry gate functions immediately, but it continues to evolve more difficultly. Sobre todo porque que subir seis escalones hasta donde podía guardar my bicicleta eléctrica. The fifth level is all the same, even if it's as difficult as it sounds, the other side of the bike is at the same level as a problem, or more of a problem with the electric bike. You can see the caída and the e-bike as you can't find anything in the scales. Mi viaje casi podría haber terminateado aquí. Por suerte just hubo dos small lesions that me recordarán in Denia throughout the próximos días. A second problem arises in the first floor where the caja de llaves is located. My house is vacía and my equipment can be stored in the living room. My predecesores de anoche escondieron las llaves detrás de una maceta en la cocina. But it is only possible to have a clear message about a dream with invitations. Me pregunto qué pasaba por la mente de la gente cuando dejaban las llaves así.

Today I started off very sporty. I had to get my eBike into the small lift by myself and lift it up at the front. I only managed that when I took out the batteries. But even so, the bike still weighs a lot.

When I started, it was foggy outside. And it stayed that way most of the time, with only the occasional sun shining through. The temperature was also much lower than yesterday, but that didn't bother me, on the contrary, I prefer it to be not too warm. The shops here don't open until 9:00 am, so I had to postpone my small shopping trip. And I couldn't find a grocery store or bakery anywhere on the way. Instead, I found some good oranges fresh from the tree.

Today's route wasn't planned to be long from the start, it was only supposed to be about 35 km. Since I arrived at my destination much too early, I cycled all over the city and then along the sea.

Here in Denia, too, there are big festivities, like I've experienced over the last two days. Tomorrow is the highlight and also the end of the festival. My host told me earlier that there will be a lot of fireworks all over the city today.

Since I was here so early, I had plenty of time to enjoy a leisurely lunch in a restaurant. For just €14, I got a salad, a plate of prawns, and a baked fish with French fries.

Shortly before 2:00 am, I received instructions via WhatsApp on how to get to my room. The code for the front door worked straight away, but after that it became more difficult. Especially because I had to climb six steps where I could leave my e-bike. Up to the fifth step, things went quite well, as expected, but somehow the sixth step had a problem, or rather I had a problem with the e-bike. I saw the fall coming and both the e-bike and I found myself at the bottom of the stairs. My trip could almost have ended here. Fortunately, there were only two small injuries that will remind me of Denia for the next few days. A second problem was on the first floor, where the key box was. My box was empty, so my host had to come over to let me into the room. My predecessors from the previous night had hidden the keys behind a flowerpot in the kitchen. But that only became clear after a phone call with these guests. I wonder what was going through the people's minds when they left the keys like that.

जवाफ (4)

Denia&Orangen gehören für mich auch zusammen;) Zum Glück ist nichts schlimmeres passiert und der Schlüssel wurde gefunden. Weiterhin eine gute Reise

Hallo Null Danke für deine Gedanken und guten Wünsche.

Lotti und Alex
Au mehr wünschet Dir ä gueti Reis,heb sorg und gueti besserig

Liebe Lotti und Alex Mir geht’s gut, daher musste ich lange überlegen, was Ihr wohl meint. Danke für alle guten Wünsche und herzliche Grüsse.

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