
The journey to the Amazon (Peru)

Нийтэлсэн: 06.02.2023

After Tikal, the next day we set off for Peru with our friend Ania. However, not directly but with some detours.

From Flores we took the bus that took us through the whole country of Belize to the border town of Chetumal in Mexico. There, we had our first contact with Mexican culture and felt immediately comfortable and welcome.

From Chetumal, we continued north on the Yucatán Peninsula by bus to the coastal city of Playa del Carmen. We spent the day on the white beach on the Caribbean Sea.

The next day, we drove to the airport in Cancun and flew to Bogota (Colombia). We immediately experienced the warmth of the Colombians upon arrival. Unfortunately, we only had one day in Bogota, but we will definitely come back.

From there, we took a domestic flight to the middle of the Amazon, to Leticia, Colombia. When we saw the vast Amazon rainforest from the plane, we felt a special connection.

Leticia is a typical jungle city on the banks of the Amazon. On its markets, you can try various tropical delicacies from the rainforest.

From Leticia, we set off by boat to Iquitos, Peru. 18 hours on a boat on the Amazon was an experience in itself. Time flew by, as we had a wonderful view of the river banks and the dense rainforest.


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