17.04. Boiling lakes and smoking craters

Нийтэлсэн: 17.04.2018

The journey continues to Rotorua (approx. 250 km), famous for its geothermal landscapes.

On the Desert Road (Here you can still see the cooled lava flows and ash layers from the last eruptions.) we passed by the three great volcanoes, which were still covered in clouds.

A detour to the Huka Falls just past Taupo. Here, 200,000 liters of water rush by per second. A spectacular sight.

In the Wai-O-Tapu thermal area 30 km before Rotorua, we admired the very special scenery. Here, the colorful lakes boil at 100 degrees, hot mud bubbles in the craters, and the earth emits steaming clouds. The smell of rotten eggs hangs in the air. Each lake gets a different color from the minerals it contains. Unique and fascinating.

We stayed at the 'Okawa Lake-side B&B' in Mourea at Mokawa Bay. The B&B is a great wooden house right by the lake, even with its own jetty. The hostess is a Maori and incredibly nice.


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