Hello - The neighbors are here!

Објавено: 13.04.2024

Today a guest post: Yay, we are allowed to write too!

Rarely been so spontaneous: only one hour after printing out Melly and Müsli's flight ticket in mid-December, we booked our flight. Of course, only when the neighbors showed visible joy about a short visit during their sabbatical. :) After all, their stopover in Zanzibar coincided with our Easter holidays. Even before the two boarded their plane in Munich, the shared apartment was booked. The fact that we booked the trip against the background of the heavy rainy season in April - no problem! ;) There were still seats available on the plane and it was cheap! The adventure could begin.After our 26-hour trip (bus to Lübeck, train to Frankfurt Airport via Hamburg and Cologne, flight to Qatar, flight to Zanzibar), the excitement at the airport was huge when Melly and Müsli stood at the reception on April 6th with a sign saying 'Karibu Zanzibar Neighbors'. We were picked up!!! *Heart* The tropical heat was immediately noticeable. We took the pre-ordered taxi by both of them to Jambiani, which is an hour away and located southwest on the island. Our accommodation 'Njumbani Residence' (translation: home) lived up to its promise on the internet: two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, large living area, large covered terrace. The walk along the beach ended with a large Kilimanjaro beer and two Dawa's ('medicine' with lime, ginger and gin) for each of us. The tide and the beginning of continuous rain forced us to take this (of course) unwanted culinary break. (What a wonderful introduction!). The evening ended with a pool excursion and the Miraculi spaghetti brought from Germany (Müsli was beaming). The next morning started wonderfully with a coffee prepared by Müsli in bed. After breakfast at Grace's (housekeeper) under the sunshade with our feet in the sand, we walked to Paje in the north. The beach was free, so we enjoyed the visible flora and fauna and took our first dip in the sea with the rising tide! The sun also greeted us from above, so we could take a first look at the beautiful blue-turquoise water. To our great joy, the endemic red colobus monkey also climbed past us. After a short shopping trip (no beer because of ongoing Ramadan) and a fruit siesta by the private pool, we went to play soccer on the beach. Young against old, with 'old' only winning because of the better Sansibari teammate. Two Serengeti beers and self-made guacamole with bread and fried eggs rounded off the great evening. While the rainy season held back, it struck for the first time on Monday (April 8th). Even during the rainy breakfast, the ITC, the trade winds and the resulting zenital rain were discussed. Nevertheless, we started our planned trip to the Jozani Forest, saw blue monkeys and red colobus monkeys again - but unfortunately also a lot of tourists standing in the street and causing traffic jams. The walk through the mangrove forest was more beautiful, with each of us being allowed to plant a tree. Let's forget about the tourist nap at the butterfly farm for now, but at least Larissa was able to overcome her fear of animals with a chameleon on her arm. Back in Njumbani, there was a siesta with guacamole and banana chips. After that - you won't believe it - we had to live up to the call of the 'Sports Week' and jog through the village of Jambiani with the goats and attract African eyes. As a reward, there was cooking beer in our fridge, organized by the well-connected kitchen helper Grace. The next day, we took the Tuk-Tuk, which is allowed for three guests, to Mtende and went to a beautiful beach. Anke had to walk for a short time because the police patrol couldn't see the overcrowded vehicle. At low tide, we strolled along the snow-white beach, looked at coral, colorful fish and crabs, and took a coffee and fries break at the Usumba Rock Restaurant as the water rose. Strengthened, we walked through red soil, puddles and impressive baobabs. After 6 km (in flip flops or sandals already heavily burdened), we finally hired a taxi. Before the homemade dinner, we enjoyed cocktails and Jameson on the beach. Next day - what's going on? - Is the rainy season already over? Sun and blue sky again! Maybe because Ramadan is over and the muezzin annoyed us all night with his screaming? We take a taxi to the capital Stone Town, get out at the harbor and immediately take a small boat to Prison Island. The Seychelles giant tortoises are impressive, but the facility itself is not. Nevertheless, it could have been a great trip (Müsli and Melly swimming, Anke and Larissa snorkeling) if the tide hadn't interfered. The backpack, which was actually parked well on land, also took a swim. The flip flops and sunglasses that were drifting in different directions could still be saved while swimming - but the wet camera refused service for the rest of the holiday! :( *tears* A leisurely stroll through the narrow streets of the capital ended the trip. A cold beer and a very nice dinner at the beach restaurant lifted Larissa's mood again. April 11th: Sun again - where is the ITC? We decided to take advantage of the good weather and take a Tuk-Tuk to Pingwe. Another police check - this time Anke has to switch to the quickly organized moped. A walk takes us from Pingwe to the Blue Lagoon. The separation from our little Sansibari follower, who couldn't take his eyes and hands off the colorful ball, was difficult. 3 out of 4 people enjoy snorkeling without a permit (!!! LOW season) and discover Nemo, surgeonfish, seastar and more. The sun is shining, but there's still time for super cheesy photos. That's what a holiday looks like!Quick dip in the pool, then through the village to our cocktail bar: the first Dawa is on Higgins (Congratulations on passing the assistance dog test, thanks Inga). You can't stand on one cocktail, sometimes not even on two, and in addition, we had a great dinner in the front row right on the shore. The third day in a row with sun - no rain in sight. African shopping in the morning (avocado, eggs, limes, tomatoes, bread), then a walk for two to Paje. Finally, we give Melly and Müsli a little rest! After a short coffee break, we became active again: workout on towels in the accommodation. The sweat is running...but the pool and a homemade dinner make up for the 'work'. During the night to Saturday, there was a lot of rumbling and when we got up, the extent of the tropical rain became clear: the power went out, it was pouring buckets and it didn't stop. The boss asks her provider if her internet is broken or if nothing is working in Jambiani. The answer is: 'Nothing is working on Zanzibar.' We have breakfast alone, no other guests. We are in the middle of nowhere... The dramatic rain now demands another explanation of the ITC - this time also with drawings. We use the time of forced inactivity to write this blog without knowing when it can be uploaded to the internet. :D First a game of Doppelkopf with guacamole...
Одговори (8)

Verschiebung der ITC, die Passatwinde und der entstehende Zenitalregen - aha🙈 Der Reisebericht ist super! Schade um den Fotoapparat, gut, dass da nicht mein Bein lag 🙈😂. Vielen Dank und sehr gerne!

Doris und Lothar
Vielen Dank für den ausführlichen Bericht. Ihr erlebt ja unglaublich viel. Wir wünschen euch noch eine schöne Zeit und grüßen euch herzlich

Mapa Super langer Reisebericht...hm habt ihr alle Fotos noch...schade...Papa ist doch traurig...egal...Strom geht wieder und euch geht es gut...viel Spaß und Freude

A&A Ein toller ausführlicher Bericht, Hut ab… und ihr erlebt ja tolle Dinge. Man gut, dass euch der Regen dann auch mal die Gelegenheit gibt, ganz gemütlich Karten spielen zu können 😊 Habt noch weiterhin viel Spaß miteinander und eine schöne Zeit. Liebe Grüße von uns PS: Glückwunsch an Higgins

Sts und Sto
Vom anderen Ende der Welt mit ähnlichen Erlebnissen grüßen euch Sts und Sto aus Neuseeland. Affen haben wir nicht zu bieten, Regen zum Glück nur zwei Tage lang, aber der Fotoapparat hat auch aufgegeben. Wirr haben die Zeit völlig vergessen und nicht einmal euer superlange Reisebericht hat mich an Korrekturlesen erinnert. Lasst es euch gut ergehen und behebt euch, dass mir keine Klagen ins Büro kommen! Stellt euch vor, Carlotta Foede saß mit uns im Flieger nach Singapore. Bis bald!

Ich drücke mich + sage, dass ich Euch nicht abholen könnte, weil Ihr auf einer Insel seid? So ein Quatsch! Sehr schöne nachbarschaftliche Zusammenkunft + ein fröhlicher Bericht. Jetzt weiß ich einiges über Konvergenzzonen ;-). Und es sind wirklich kitschige Bilder dabei ;-). 'Wenn Du mich fragst, wo es am schönsten war ...' Weitermachen + Prost!

Super ausführlicher Reisebericht! Freu mich auf weitere Geschichten bei einem kühlen Getränk am Bootshaus oder an der Schirmbar:-))

So - jetzt bin ich auch im Bilde was ihr so alles erlebt und "getrieben" habt auf der Insel ... sehr cool 😎

Извештаи за патување Танзанија