
06 nach Puntas de Calnegre

MIVOAKA: 21.03.2024

Distance 106 kilometers, cum. 479 kilometers | Altitude 790, cum. 2,560

There was a strong wind during the night, but it sounded like a storm in this tent and I sometimes had concerns about whether the tent could withstand these winds. Nevertheless, I slept well and it was quite quiet, except for the wind.

Similar to yesterday, I left at 8:00 am. I set my first goal in Cartagena, and with a little optimism I also chose Puerto de Mazarron as my next destination. Despite the wind, or should I say thanks to the wind, because it mostly came from behind and pushed me, I arrived there at 2 p.m. So there was still enough time to continue driving. But before that, to be on the safe side, I looked for accommodation, which I found and booked straight away. It was only an additional 20 km and I felt fit and the energy from both me and the bike was completely ok

Actually, apart from cycling and navigating, I don't do anything other than make sure the balance of energy is right all day. Primarily from me, of course, because I have to make sure I drink and eat enough. But I can't ignore the bike's battery either; I can classify it by choosing the motor support. If I always use the maximum, it's easier for me, but the battery doesn't last as long. Therefore, I should drive with as little motor power as possible, as long as my energy levels are right.

These last 20 km were like dessert after a good meal. The landscape and the path along the sea were a huge highlight of the tour so far. Although I took some photos, I don't think they can reflect what I saw and experienced myself. But this doesn't apply to life in general, only your own experience is what really goes into you.


Hubo un fuerte viento durante la noche, pero sonaba como una tormenta en esta tienda ya veces me preocupaba si la tienda podría soportar esos vientos. Sin embargo, sleep bien y estaba bastante tranquilo, excepto por el viento.

The first time we arrived was at 8:00 a.m. Our first objective was to go to Cartagena, and with a poco of optimism that came to Puerto de Mazarrón near the destination. A pesar del viento, or debería decir gracias al viento, porque venía mayoritariamente de atrás y me empujaba, llegué allí at 2 p.m. hours. As it is, everyone has a good time to conduct themselves. Beforehand, for safety reasons, busqué alojamiento, que encontré y reserve enseguida. The sole distance is 20 km and I feel the same energy and energy as the bike is completely bien.

In reality, apart from the bike and navigation, there is nothing more than the balance of the sea energy and the battery lasts throughout the day. Sobre todo de mí, por supuesto, porque tengo que asegurarme de beber y comer lo suficiente. If you ignore the battery of the motorcycle, you should classify the motor support. If you use the maximum for my result, it's more easy, but the battery doesn't last longer. Por lo tanto, debo conducir with the lower power of the engine possible, you will get my energy levels and the batteries.

The end result is 20 km from the end of a good meal. The paisaje and the camino junto al mar fueron lo más destacado del recrrido hasta el momento. Aunque tomé algunas photos, no creo que puedan reflejar lo que vi y experimenté. But it is not a replica of life in general, just the experience of the experience is real in the world.

It was windy at night, but it sounded like a storm in this tent and I was sometimes worried about whether the tent could withstand the wind. Despite that, I slept well and it was pretty quiet, except for the wind.

Like yesterday, I set off at 8:00 am I set my first destination in Cartagena, and with a little optimism I also chose Puerto de Mazarron as my second destination. Despite the wind, or should I say thanks to the wind, because it mostly came from behind and pushed me, I arrived there at 2:00 pm So there was still enough time to continue. But before that, to be on the safe side, I looked for accommodation, which I then found and booked straight away. It was only an additional 20 km and I felt fit and the energy from both me and the bike was completely OK.

Actually, all I do all day apart from cycling and navigating is make sure that the energy balance is right. First and foremost, of course, from me, because I have to make sure that I eat and drink enough. But I also can't ignore the bike's battery, which I can regulate by choosing the motor support. If I always use the maximum, it's easier, but the battery doesn't last as long. So I should ride with as little engine power as possible, as long as I have enough energy.

These last 20 km were like dessert after a good meal. The landscape and the path along the sea were a huge highlight of the tour so far. I did take a few photos, but I don't think they can reflect what I saw and experienced myself. But that doesn't apply to life in general, only your own experience is what really gets into you.


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