Germany ram a ni

Zinkawng chanchin ziakna Germany ram a ni

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Germany ram a ni tih a ni

Khualzinna Blog thar & langsar tak tak Germany ram a ni

24 hours until departure!

... soo, the evening before departure and everything is packed and ready. Tomorrow we're leaving...

Time to say Goodbye!

I would like to say a few words here and thank you:

Dream travel destinations

Our dream travel destinations

Traveling to myself

This is me...

How it all began...

The time has come. What exactly, we can't yet put into words. It feels so surreal that this day is t...

New Year's Eve Run 2018/19

My son asks with appropriate irony in his What's App message on New Year's Day, "How was Germany's b...

The outgoing flight

Zack...and suddenly it was December 31, 2018 and I started my big journey. At 5:16 pm, I took the tr...