

Verëffentlecht: 12.10.2023

Hello everyone, I love writing so much, that's why I thought a conclusion was necessary. You learn lessons and experiences from such a trip. Although I have to say, I'm not quite ready for it yet. I'm still too attached to sadness. As I like to say... Physically I'm at home, the rest is still on the way. Olaf and Peter are also very busy. Well... what can I say. I just liked everything, even if one or the other wasn't my thing, that was part of it and was still interesting. First of all, I have to say, I had too much with me. Way too much. 2 pairs of pants... well ok 3 pairs of pants and let's say 4 t-shirts would have been more than enough. I always wore the same thing, simply because I felt comfortable in it. It was possible to wash everywhere. I will do it differently next time. The bookings on Airbnb were amazing, so I hit gold. Afterwards, I thought that I should have only booked the flight and the first accommodation, as then you are not tied down. With Airbnb you can usually cancel for free. And if I hadn't pre-booked, I would probably have been stuck in Ayacucho most of the time. From there you can take many beautiful trips and the city has not yet succumbed to tourism. It's really magical there, with beautiful markets. The next thing I would do differently...always book locally. Except for the Inca Trail, which must be booked at least six months in advance. I don't know, I think I would have saved well over half. Really from the bus to excursions, just everything. Of course, this only applies to travelers who want to travel individually, like me. Traveling alone as a woman was not a problem for me. Even without friends in the country it wouldn't have been a problem. The people are super helpful and incredibly nice. For example, what I loved was taking the bus (except in Lima), which saves a lot of money and is super practical. If you want to do the Inca Trail... it's... such a beautiful experience. But check your knees first, that was pretty messy. Still not really suitable for stairs, but it will work :) I would do it again. In any case. Nature is overwhelming. You can't really capture it. And yes, it was tiring, but it was definitely worth it. Get out of your comfort zone, jump over your shadow, and just endure things. Class !!! What can I say. I'll do it again... there's no other way now. And don't be afraid of the language. It is no longer a problem these days. Well, I knew something about each, which was helpful, but it also works wonderfully with Translater. Dare.....


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