
Optimus peregrinatione tempore Argentina

Argentina Highlights

Nova & Featured Travel Blogs Argentina

ab 06.03.: Buenos Aires Ciudad

Buenos Aires mit knapp 3 mio einwohnern, ist eine stadt, die mir auf anhieb gefällt - am besten gefä...

on 22.02.: Concordia / Province of Entre Rios

I have 300 km ahead of me today. According to Google Maps, I can expect an average speed of 100 km/h...

21.02.: Paso de los Libres / Province of Corrientes / Argentina

Another nice farewell from my hosts. After packing my vespa, I go upstairs to take some photos of t...

La Patagonia Argentina

Pure nature in Patagonia. San Pedro de Bariloche, El Bolson, El Calafate, and El Chalten invite you ...

Bizarre landscapes in the north of Argentina

For six days, we explored the north of Argentina and the area around Salta. First by rental car, the...