
Trip to Tigre (15.10.)

Published: 22.11.2020

Hello everyone,

This afternoon we made a short trip to Tigre, as it is only 7 km away from us and there is not much going on during the weekdays. It is better to avoid it on weekends... especially now during the Corona times, as not much is open yet, but people can travel to Tigre since last week... everyone wants to go there... Since we needed to withdraw money before, we first went to Walmart and then continued from there. We had to drive a long way on Uruguay, where one never feels so safe, as there are villas on the left and right. On the way back, we were able to drive directly. I took a photo of the horse you see above next to the highway because there is a green strip between two highway lanes and there are horses on it, which was totally strange, but here you can find everything like grilling on the highway or today we also saw a jogger... We liked Tigre, even though we haven't seen much yet except for Avenida Victoria, the promenade... but at least you can ride a wheelchair there, which is otherwise very difficult here with all the potholes and incomplete sidewalks, etc... On our next visit, we will definitely visit Puerto de Frutas, the local market by the fresh air, which is now open again...


Travel tradit Argentina