
Day 13 Moulay Bousselham - Oualidia

Published: 30.01.2020

Sometimes it takes us half a day just to leave the campsite. And today was no exception. Just before leaving, we met some nice people, and you know Burki... 😄 Today, we drove on the El Jardia Highway, passing through 6 toll booths for about 330km. Then the rest of the way, about 80km, was on country roads. First, we passed a horrible industrial area where everything was smoking and stinking, but then we reached the coastal road and got our first impressions of rural Morocco. Many people waved at us after realizing that we were tourists. We often resemble the local taxis, you can tell by the position of our arms. Just before Oualidia, we turned right and drove about 7km along a sandy path by the sea. Even here, the locals greeted us friendly. But eventually, we found our overnight spot. Direct view of the Atlantic Ocean. First, there were three young dogs, and then suddenly there were eight young dogs with their mother. The bravest one ate our leftovers. Later, a few cows with a shepherd passed by, but other than that, everything is quiet. I hope it stays that way. Spending the first night in a foreign country feels a bit uneasy for me. On the other hand, I don't want to give up this kind of freedom. Let's see how the night goes.


Travel tradit Mauritania