Upper Austria

Blogên Rêwîtiya Nû û Taybetî Upper Austria

Û di destpêkê de maleke gerok hebû

Kirîna motorxaniyek û ajotina li seranserê Ewropayê biryarek dijwar bû? Dibe ku ne...

Linz (Austria)

Linz (Austria)

Mexico City & Back Home (24th + 25th March 2022)

Last Impressions and Hello Friends, Family, and Schnitzel...

Almost time to go ...

Anticipation ... Blah blah

Weekend in the Salzkammergut on Lake Attersee

A short trip for hiking, swimming, eating, and sightseeing the city.

Sniffing a bit of Salzkammergut

Beautiful old town of Krems and beautiful promenade at Traunsee