Griechenland 2023
Griechenland 2023

37. Polylimnio Waterfalls & Ochsenbauch Bay

Weşandin: 15.04.2023

Day 37: What eventful day! We set off early in the morning because we expect a lot of locals at our destinations during the long Easter weekend.

Our first destination, the Polylimnio Waterfalls, we reach just in time before the weekend excursionists arrive. The way from the village down to the river is pleasantly noticeable due to the diverse plant life. The green-glowing river winds its way here over numerous waterfalls and lakes through a valley with unusually dense vegetation. It feels a bit like a jungle. Sometimes the path loses itself in the riverbed, and you have to continue moving over the stones in the river. Although we are pushed to the limits of our abilities a few times, we are totally enthusiastic - it's just beautiful here!

Our second destination is Ochsenbauch Bay. Unfortunately, the sky is mostly cloudy when we arrive. But that doesn't bother us, we have to rest on the beach first anyway. Around half past four, we start our journey to Palaiokastro, a ruined castle perched high above the bay. On the way, we pass by the entrance to a cave. A massive buzzing sound, probably caused by wasps or bees, keeps us from going any deeper. When we reach the castle on top, the clouds dissipate and we enjoy the view of the unusually-shaped bay.

In the evening, we arrive at Navarino Beach Campground.


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