Apulia by bike - September/ October 2022

ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: 19.09.2022

Arrival by train
15th of September: Traveling with bikes on the train is often a bigger challenge, but today everything goes smoothly or even better than expected. In the morning, we take the ICE train to Zurich, then the EC train to Bologna. It's pouring rain in Bologna, but we don't mind in the busy main train station. We read that bicycles can now be taken on Italian IC trains, but at the travel information in Basel, they couldn't help us, let alone book the tickets. In Bologna, we have to wait too long to inquire at the counter. Dominique tries at the machine, the booking succeeds, but the previously displayed bike ticket is missing from the printout. The nice man at the express counter can't book the tickets either - there's a system error. He confirms this on our tickets, and we can actually take the Intercity train to Ancona with our bikes. When we arrive in Ancona, it's pouring rain as if the sky is now releasing all the water that didn't come in the summer all at once. In Senigallia, located 30 km north of Ancona, the twin town of Lörrach, the streets turn into raging rivers and even claim several lives. Within a short time, we are soaked and have great difficulties finding the accommodation with Google Maps. We are happy that we finally arrive there after about an hour of searching. The return journey the next day in bright sunshine takes less than 15 minutes! We are compensated for our efforts with a good meal and a very good bottle of red wine.
16th of September: The next morning, it's as if it had never rained - the city is showing itself in the sunshine at its best: busy streets, friendly people, and interesting sights such as the Cathedral of San Ciriaco, the Chiesa Santa Maria, or various palaces. From the Parco del Cardeto high above the city, you have a beautiful view of the city and the harbor. You can immediately see where the city got its name from, the protected bay is like an elbow (ancon - Greek for elbow). In the evening, when we arrived, we organized the onward journey and can now take the IC train directly to Bari around noon. This saves us three strenuous transfers, which would have been necessary with the regional train. After about 1250 km by train, we arrive in Bari in the early evening. Today, we entered the trip to the accommodation on Komoot and get there without detours, right in the middle of the old town. We enjoy the atmosphere in the evening with other tourists and many locals with a beer in front of the cathedral. Later, like many others on this warm Friday evening, we stroll through the old town. We find the Romanesque Basilica of San Nicola with the remains of Saint Nicholas of Myra particularly interesting. These were brought to Bari by sailors in the 11th century to save them from the Seljuks. The basilica was built for the precious relic. Impressive and dominating the edge of the old town is the Castello Svevo, which was built by the Normans in the 12th century and rebuilt by Frederick II from 1233 onwards. We will certainly encounter Frederick II more frequently on our journey.

ಉತ್ತರ (1)

Forza Doha, auf ein Neues.Zum Glück seid ihr ja gerade noch rechtzeitig zur Wahl am kommenden Sonntag vor Ort und könnt eure schweizerisch/deutsche sozialdemokratische Erziehungsgrundlage dem ein oder anderen Apulllianer näherbringen. Saluti Marco Materazzi US Lecce, Serie A (15.)