
Yummy tour through Karlsruhe

Pubblicato: 18.06.2023

Today we are going on a bike tour

we=248:5-on the way

With friends getting on the bike and looking forward to good food and drinks at 14 stations - that was our plan for this tour. According to the Yummy plan, the entire round trip should only be 34 kilometers and almost entirely flat. For some reason, we rode more kilometers and also had some climbs due to various bridges; including the Südtangente.

The stations were prepared for visitors from 10 am to 6 pm. We started at 10:30 and set off in brilliant sunshine to enjoy a delicious hotdog at KARL, the club house of SG Siemens. A great start to a Saturday full of enjoyment! We will definitely come back together on another day.

Since time pressure was high and the distances between the individual stations were a bit further at the beginning, we quickly got back on the bikes and rode along the Alb River towards Dammerstock. At ERASMUS, we had a piece of delicious pizza. We were allowed to enjoy it in the accompanying beautiful garden. Lots of shade, and at the very back of the garden there were beehives as well.

Then crossing the Südtangente and the train tracks towards Südstadt. That's where the vegan restaurant SÜSSE MARIE is located - also with outdoor seating under trees. Small surprise snacks from the menu were served here.

Since we were already in Südstadt, we quickly continued to ZUCKERBECKER at Werderplatz. If you have been to Axel Becker before, you will love this stop. There was a bit of enjoyment in the form of a self-selected piece of chocolate for everyone.

Then onwards to Durlacher Tor to GOTTESAUER ECK. I didn't expect such an extraordinary station with a terrace under scaffolding. A rosemary-orange lemonade or a Campari cocktail, plus olives and/or pickles - fantastic break.

But the time pressure was already greater than expected. Durlach is not far away, but the bike path leads 'uphill' over the highway, which you can feel in your legs - unless a motor helps to save your muscles. DURLACHER PESTORIA impressed with two different pesto varieties on toasted bread. The selection in the shop invited you to linger and buy one or the other specialty.

The shortest way to HOCKS fine and precious leads through the pedestrian zone, which is not allowed for cyclists. So take a small detour through the picturesque alleys with beautiful houses. Two addresses for enjoyment were right next to each other on Pfinztalstraße. While HOCKS had the door wide open for visitors and offered delicious cheese and salami specialties, the door of Kaffeeland & Schokoglück was already closed. What a pity.

Back on the bikes and back to Karlsruhe to the HOEPFNER brewery. Very interesting buildings and even more interesting stories, which became more vivid in the small company museum with photos and various objects. We could choose between three small beers or non-alcoholic drinks. There were even photos of the Karlsruhe SkateNite - much to my delight. After all, I accompanied this tour as a steward for ten years.

Then towards the city center to VERDE - a vegan ice cream parlor with a restaurant. The ice cream was a wonderful refreshment. Another ice cream was waiting for all pleasure travelers on Waldstraße at YOLLIE. Again something special - ice cream on a stick.

And then it became tight for our group of cyclists in terms of time. Only 23 minutes left to get out of the city center and head to Knielingen. On this stage, the road was quite steep, which was also a challenge for the muscles. And to make matters worse, we arrived at the last station, BRAUHAUS 2.0, at 5:59 pm and unfortunately too late to try a naturally cloudy beer here. Never mind; we simply ordered beer and delicious lemonade, along with fries, and paid for everything - (the many delicacies before were included in the price of the Yummy tour). On the way home, we quickly did some shopping in the supermarket and went home.

Out of the 14 stations, we made a delightful stop at 12 local places. In total, we cycled almost 40 kilometers and had a lot of fun, repeatedly meeting other nice pleasure cyclists at the various stations, and did not bring any sunburn home.

I would love to experience such a Yummy tour again. This is how a city like Karlsruhe can be explored. A beautiful day!

See you soon
