
Tag 301 - Cala Gonone

Ebipụtara: 16.10.2022

Hello everyone ☺️

Today there is only a short entry because nothing major happened to us ☺️

When we woke up today, it was cloudy again, so we took our time in the morning ☺️

At around 1 pm, we finally set off to our destination Cala Gonone. Since we have been driving further south so far, it was time to drive closer to our port again. In addition, we want to rent a boat tomorrow and there are several rental companies here.

The journey took a little over three hours and we also made a stop at a supermarket to replenish our supplies. In the past few days, we hardly found any open shops because we were always on the road during siesta time. Furthermore, it is clear that the tourist season is slowly coming to an end here in Sardinia. We meet relatively few other people and the overall impression of the island is quite closed.

For us, this is really nice and we have somehow managed to get everything we needed so far :).

Furthermore, today we wanted to try out a private parking space. It is a kind of campground, but with less infrastructure and much smaller. It doesn't really suit us because we clearly prefer to stand somewhere freely. However, there was one crucial point:

To charge our e-bikes, we have a truck battery with us. However, it is now empty and the easiest way would be to plug it into a regular power socket. Besides, we needed water, the wastewater tank was full... Well, quite a few things to do ☺️

We found such a private parking space and it was really nice - but only a compromise for us. Anyway - bikes plugged in and off to the beach!

We sat there for a while until the wind became uncomfortably cold and hunger struck.

We went straight to the restaurant at our campsite. We definitely wanted to sit outside, but the waitress said the weather was too unstable. She seated us at a table in the middle of her really uncomfortable restaurant. As we sat at the table feeling uncomfortable, Kevin said to me, "I could also make us burgers on the grill..."

Said and done. We got up and a short time later we ate a delicious burger ☺️

So my dears, it's getting late again and we say:

Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow ☺️


Akụkọ njem Ịtali