In 6 Monaten durch Europa auf 6m²
In 6 Monaten durch Europa auf 6m²

updated: Storforsen - wild nature

Ebipụtara: 11.07.2017

We had quite a few rainy days behind us and therefore steadily made our way along the East Swedish coast towards the north. From Umea we went to Pitea, where there wasn't much to see - especially not at 7°C and constant rain. According to the travel guide, there should be great rapids nearby, so we decided to take the little detour. It was so cold inland that I (Anne) dug out my thick winter North Face down jacket and gloves and a hat were definitely mandatory, at least in the evening.

But the detour was definitely worth it and in the face of such natural power, you can forget the little 'aches and pains' for a while. :)


Akụkọ njem Sweden