
Catatan perjalanan Chili

Waktu perjalanan terbaik Chili

Chili Sorotan

Blog Perjalanan Baru & Unggulan Chili

Chile - Iquique, Arica, Putre and Tacna (Peru)

Post 15 - The northernmost tip of Chile. Lots of desert and sea. And a trip to the highlands of Putr...

Chile - San Pedro and the giant copper mine

Post 14 - Tourist hotspot San Pedro de Atacama with planet observation, Moon Valley and geysers. And...

A new country awaits

A bus just for us!


Everything started in Pucon. Here I met Jürgen and Alex at the hostel. The two of them had already m...

King penguins - the true penguins

I have seen some penguins on my journey, but they were not real penguins. They were always small and...

Ruta del Fin del Mundo - Tierra del Fuego

Our next destination was Tierra del Fuego. But before that, we had a few kilometers ahead of us. We ...

Torres del Paine National Park

We went back to Chile. There we meet Alex again. Now his girlfriend Viktoria is also with us. We ren...

Isla Grande de Chiloé

My next destination is the second largest island in South America. I will take the bus to Chiloé on ...

Flipper and the Penguins

When on Isla Grande de Chiloé, you can't miss the penguins. In the north of Chiloé, in Ancud, there ...

Santiago de Chile

Government building in the city center

Pucón, a city at the foot of the volcano

After leaving Santiago, I took an 11-hour bus ride south. My destination was Pucón, a small vacation...

Vulkan Villarrica

Villarrica is the most active volcano in all of South America, about 2800m high! You can see the smo...