
autumn trees until we finally arrived at Nordkapp

Diterbitkan: 11.09.2022

The day started early and that was completely my fault - I admit it. But being greeted with a beautiful orange-yellow view without rain and wind tragically does not motivate me to stay in bed for long.

So we were all ready to leave at 8 o'clock. The weather was sporty cloudy and we were all highly motivated - even though I only got grumbles in response to my questions in the beginning. Today we went to the largest canyon in Northern Europe and even though we had to drive this shameful road up to sleep on an open plateau, it was still another 7 km to our desired panoramic view. The road was surprisingly good, apart from the river crossings and very muddy sections. But it was definitely worth it. The view was fantastic and sent shivers through my whole body when standing on the unprotected edge of the canyon and looking down into a few hundred meters of free fall. Very impressive.

On the way back, it started raining a little bit, but we all made it back to the camper van safely and then we went back down the bumpy road. A big shoutout to our driver - we even survived on wet roads.

So back on the road to Alta to reach our destination for today. Completely relaxed because we thought that the shops here would be open on Sundays, but no; nothing. We found a grocery store that was only a quarter open, so not really a place to do our shopping - well, we complained about Alta, so it's revenge on us.

After that, it was a 4-hour drive through completely desolate tundra, which greeted us with real rain. But to Juliane's delight, we met many new friends along the way, because the closer we got to Nordkapp, the more reindeer were running wild, even a small herd relaxed in front of us on the road.

The return journey will be exciting again with all the 'well-built' tunnels, but for now we relax with a foggy view and 3°C.


Laporan perjalanan Norway