
Completely relaxed

Tshaj tawm: 25.02.2022

 The last two days were pure relaxation. Yesterday at the pool, today on the surrounding beaches. The room next door is occupied by Michael, an American from Houston, Texas. He originally comes from Vietnam and came to the USA as a refugee in the late 70s. We had dinner together both times. Once in a simple restaurant and once in a really great Costa Rican restaurant (San Miguel). Probably the best fish I've ever had and the praline ice cream with chocolate cake was simply amazing. It's always good to have hosts who have such great recommendations, thank you. Michael and I had many good conversations during dinner, it's just nice to chat about everything with someone (initially) unfamiliar. I also got to know more representatives of the animal world, I encountered the little scorpion on the beach. I saw the snake and the frog below the pool. I was too slow for the camera, just like the frog. It was already in the snake's mouth. Nevertheless, it still managed to hiss at me from about 3 meters away. At 9:00 pm at night, I'm lying outside on my back, looking up. The night sky here is breathtaking. Many more stars than at home. Much brighter, much more depth. Indescribably beautiful.

What am I grateful for today? That with Swiss German, English and also a few words in Spanish, so much good and soothing communication is created. I feel present in the here and now.

Tomorrow is all about driving on gravel roads for many hours. Practiced today. Going to Tamarindo.


Costa Rica
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Costa Rica