
Day 7

יצא לאור: 07.05.2023

16 March 2023

Unfortunately, the chirping of the crickets kept us awake all night and the cold settled in the tents, so some of us even slept in their thick winter jackets.

Some of us set an alarm for 05:30 in the morning to watch the sunrise together with a view of the sea. After that, most of us went back to sleep and then had breakfast together at 08:00. Most of us ordered Shakshuka (a traditional Israeli dish) that we had already tasted at the Farewell Evening in Germany.

After breakfast, we loaded our suitcases with Ali and set off hiking. With a small detour, we arrived at the entrance and looked at the animals in the nature reserve in En Gedi.

After entering, the groups split up. Some took the long route, which took about 3 hours, and others took the short route, 30-60 minutes. Both routes offered waterfalls and beautiful scenery.

After all the effort, we sat at tables in the entrance area and treated ourselves to ice cream and Frau Paproth even treated us to another round of coffee or ice cream.

Then we made our way to the college, where our exchange students were eagerly waiting for us. When we arrived, we said goodbye to Ali. Our exchange students warmly welcomed us at the college with pizza and salads.

We played a game, chatted, and were just happy to see each other again. After all the excitement and the tiring day, our exchange students took us home or to our rooms in the dorms. There, all the couples could enjoy the evening together.


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