Day 47 - Tour of Pantanal

יצא לאור: 20.12.2017

Jim had offered to take a tour of the neighborhood with anyone interested. Of course, not the entire neighborhood, because it is about 10 square kilometers in size. The project is not located in the middle, but on the border with Adelita, the nearest barrio. I took photos with my phone, being very careful not to have any people in the picture. Jim had asked for this, or we should at least ask for permission beforehand. But I still have a bad feeling about it. Especially since the photos would be published on the blog on the internet. Therefore, I am only sending photos without people.

When I got "home", I found a pretty typical women's fate. Marisol (let's call her that) is a self-made beautician and hairdresser. She comes to the house and does everything from cutting and coloring hair to manicures, pedicures, and removing body hair from all imaginable places. Marisol is 39, she has 7 children between the ages of 20 and 2. She has never lived with any of the fathers. She raises her children alone, only with the help of her mother. Of course, everyone has to help out, especially the older children. You could maybe say: self-inflicted! But I don't want to judge here.

Sultry, unbearable heat, a little wind, a few clouds.
