
Labaran balaguro Ireland

Shahararrun Wurare Ireland

Mafi kyawun lokacin tafiya Ireland

Ireland Karin bayanai

Sabbin & Fitattun Rubutun Balaguro Ireland

Easter with sunshine

Great holidays despite Corona?!

'welcome back'

It was the first time I was back in school in Real Life since mid-December!

Life update

This is what I do during lockdown

Mit Shawna, Paul and Oisin to Dublin Airport.

After further back and forth, the final decision has now been made after the current school closure:...

My last month of 2020

Meeting a friend in Limerick and my first Irish Christmas and New Year's

Five: Three months in Ireland

It feels weird to say that 1/3 of my exchange is now over. And it's been a weird but also good time ...

A few social contacts and the Christmas spirit

It's December. The Christmas spirit is slowly coming to Sligo Grammar School. Among the plastic Chri...

Back to the start...

I have to start over again! What happened to me in the last two weeks?

Lockdown, spontaneous ideas and boredom in between

Back in lockdown from Thursday, but we're not letting our heads hang!

Schulalltag, schwimmen im Atlantik und geheimnisvolle Wälder

Ein kleines Update aus meinem Alltag an der Schule und den witzigen Sachen, die Marco und ich nebenb...

Now it really starts!

My final host family, start of school, and how it's going here.

School in Ireland

My School in Ireland and the First Days There.

We followed Ed Sheeran and ended up in Galway...

The first weekend trip was coming up, and guess where we were going... ta-da, Galway. Join Marco and...

The time in my support family

My host family drama and everything I have done so far.

First encounter with the 'Place of Shells'

Out of quarantine and into the city life of Sligo. The city on Ireland's northwest coast is not only...

Let the adventure begin

Finally, my adventure has begun... My flight and the first days in Dublin.

Plastic problems

Environmental protection is currently a topic - and we are also thinking about it. One thing that st...

Guests at friends'

There are a few things that make good guests and allow us to receive good guests.