
Stockholm im Gatsch

Publicado: 22.03.2024

Yesterday I didn't know what to write about because we had a day of driving south and nothing worth reporting happened except that our car's windshield wiper kept breaking down, which isn't exactly pleasant on the snowy roads. Last night we slept by the sea all alone at a campsite that we had to book incredibly awkwardly over the phone and then paid for by bank transfer.

This morning we continue towards Stockholm. The windshield wiper is working again, hopefully it stays that way! Our campsite is just outside of Stockholm, but we can get to the old town in half an hour.

Since we have both been to Stockholm several times, we just take a stroll through the old town in quite cloudy but not cold weather, stop at an ancient, picturesque coffee house and drive back to the campsite. There are quite a few tourists in the city.

Tomorrow we'll continue south. We want to spend the night at Lake Vättern and drive to Malmö the day after tomorrow, where we will visit an old friend who lives there.

This is what our car currently looks like:

Since the snow has already melted here, everything is terribly dirty. We preferred the beautiful snow in the north, although the temperatures here are of course more pleasant...


Informes de viaxes Suecia