
Cinn-uidhe mòr-chòrdte Sìona

An t-àm siubhail as fheàrr Sìona

Prìomh chomharran Sìona

Blogaichean Siubhail Ùra & Sònraichte Sìona

Day 20 - 21: Beidaihe's Beaches and further West towards Luanzhou

Wide sandy beaches and holiday atmosphere await us in Beidaihe...

Day 16 - 19: From Panjin to Shanhaiguan to the Great Wall of China

Back at the Bohai Sea, we follow the coast to the Great Wall...

Day 14 - 15: From Yantai via Dalian to Panjin/Yingkou

Crossing the Yellow Sea to Dalian by ferry, then continuing north...

Day 13: With headwind from Penglai to Yantai

We are approaching Yantai's beaches...

Day 12: Continue to Penglai on the Yellow Sea

We leave Bohai Bay behind us and reach the tourist/historic Penglai…

Day 11: Glowing from Laizhou to Longkou

We are nearing the end of the Bohai Bay and pause for a day due to rain...

Day 8 - 10: From Kenli to Laizhou along the Bohai Bay

We continue to the southernmost part of Bohai Bay during the warmest season...

Day 5 to 7: From Qikou to Kenli via the Yellow River

We are getting closer and closer to our next destination, the Yellow River, and it will take us thre...

Day 4: Flat from Binhai to Qikou

We leave the sea and continue heading south...

Day 3: From Tianjin to Binhai by the sea

Today we finally see the sea at Bo Hai Bay.

Day 2: Relaxed from Langfang to Tianjin

We follow various river courses to the center of Tianjin.

Day 1: Rolling in from Beijing to Langfang

Start of our bike tour towards the east...

Walk from Tiantan Park to Tian'anmen Square

Arriving in Beijing and acclimatizing

From 36 hours Shanghai

Left my independence for safekeeping at the airport!