
15.01.2020, School day

Foillsichte: 20.01.2020

At 7 o'clock in the morning, we went to school with the driver (actually, we were only six on the back seat :D). I had breakfast at school while watching the cook prepare the cooking area (see picture).
Then I went to sixth grade to observe the classes.
The schedule included English, Science, Library, Computing, and Ga (one of the national languages).
The teaching here is really different compared to Germany.
The teachers almost always come late after the break, sometimes even 10 minutes late. And since there are no windows or doors and the walls are partially partitions, the volume of the classroom has to be raised accordingly... a vicious cycle.
In addition, very little material is covered within an hour.
The content the children learn here in Ghana, we already learn in Germany in the first 5-10 minutes of a class.
But here, it is impossible to cover more in one class because the children need more time to understand and learn, and they are happy to be able to go to school at all. After school ends at 4 pm, James, who is a teacher at the school, took us (my host sisters and me) home.
The walk home takes about 10 minutes and leads through dilapidated huts and a lot of garbage litter.
You can find everything on the ground... especially the empty water sachets that are used to fill drinking water here (see picture).
Also, on the way, we encountered many dogs, chickens, as well as goats and free-roaming cows.The local residents here stare at me because of my skin color.
Very few people here have seen someone with light skin color before (except maybe on TV).
I haven't seen anyone with light skin here so far.By the way, people here really walk around with laundry baskets or all sorts of other stuff on their heads, just like you see on the Internet.I sat on our balcony with James and talked a lot about school and life here in Ghana.
Maybe we'll take a trip to the beach over the weekend.

Aithisgean siubhail Ghana