
Tag 1, eat, sleep & go out

Foillsichte: 09.01.2016

Jan 08, 2016

Against our expectations, we woke up late. The others also woke up shortly after. We had a heavy breakfast, so later we had to lie down again. When the aunts from work arrived, we didn't have a chance to go back to sleep. After we had chatted for a long time, there was a lot to tell. Especially for Fabienne, it was very exciting (hahaha), but it made everyone laugh.

We had typical Brazilian food for lunch, Feijão. Black beans with rice, potatoes, and meat. Later, we quickly went to visit Aunt Fatima at work and actually took another nap. The nap was longer than expected. At 8 o'clock in the evening, we woke up and had the next round of food. You see, the title of the article fits perfectly :D

Aunt Gloria arranged with Jorge (cousin) where we could go out in the evening. We got ready and went to the suggested club by the aunts. Once again, our luck turned and we found ourselves in front of closed doors. We then got into a taxi and it took us to another club.

After we paid the entrance fee, we received a card that we had to use when ordering drinks. (Veery dangerous) 
We also found a place to sit and checked out the people. First, we noticed some very special leggings ON A MAN, and later we saw selfies of women kissing each other. We quickly put two and two together and realized that we had ended up in a gay club. Special thanks to the taxi driver: WE ARE NOT LESBIANS!!

We quickly accepted this fact and enjoyed the evening to the fullest. We then approached a group of Brazilians who spoke English and French.



At around 3 AM, we slowly said goodbye and wanted to head home. However, it didn't turn out to be that easy. At the cash register, we unfortunately noticed that the bill was higher than expected. Much more expensive!!!

We wanted to deposit our phone worth 10 francs, but they just laughed. It was worth a try :D
Finally, we had to leave our IDs there, go home to get money, come back to pay, and finally go home. 

Once again, we were lucky that we didn't have enough money for the taxi driver. Can't even pay by card in a taxi, unbelievabale! hahahaha

Despite all the struggles, the evening was a huge success.


Aithisgean siubhail Brazil