
10. Día: Regreso a la civilización

Foilsithe: 28.03.2019

A las 7:15 nos dirigimos a pie de regreso a Carate. Wolfgang insisted in walking and not taking the luggage. Even at this time it was hot, hot, hot. After 1.75 hours we reached the car. Wolfgang fought bravely, but could not enjoy the birds, monkeys, and coatis.

Then came the 35 kilometers of bumpy road to Puerto Jimenez, where our luggage awaited us.

There I exchanged $100 at the Banco Nacional. It was quite a task: filling out a form, copying the passport, etc. Here $100 is not worth more than 100 € at home. You can almost always pay in dollars. Tours and hotels are always priced in dollars, but for ice, water, or sunbeds, it’s better to pay in the local currency, Colón, otherwise, you always lose a bit and end up with a lot of coins.

We continued on a small, winding road to San Vito in the mountains at about 1000 m.

Here we were surprised by a beautiful, perfectly equipped accommodation. View into the valley and across to the opposite mountains. Huge bed with the same view, great bathroom, electricity, hot water, internet.....so much comfort. In addition, some very pleasant temperatures. After sunset, one needed a jacket! 😈 Am In the evening, there was an excellent menu from the very nice Belgian-Costa Rican family on the terrace with a fireplace. Pure luxury! To top it off, there was homemade limoncello. Wolfgang couldn’t enjoy the food too much yet, but the schnapps helped 😊.

Now we hope that he will be over it tomorrow.


Costa Rica
Tuairiscí taistil Costa Rica