
28/01/2020 and 29/01/2020, Kindergarten in Ghana

Julkaistu: 09.02.2020

On Tuesday, I went to the kindergarten. It was really exhausting because the children clung to me like a burr and kept touching me or playing with my hair :D It was also very difficult for me to understand the children because they mostly speak Ga and their English is not very good yet. Still, it was an interesting experience!

First, each child had to recite the alphabet and point to the corresponding letters on the wall, which worked better or worse. Then it was time to play, but there is hardly any material available for that. The only things available to play with were some old building blocks, a few wooden beads, and colorful pipe cleaners with which I braided bracelets for the children. In Germany, on the other hand, we have an abundance of toys in kindergartens!!

There were two snack breaks in between, as well as the lunch hour where the children slept on thin mats on the floor (see picture). After that, the numbers from 1 to 20 were repeated and there was singing and dancing. Then the children played outside on two playground equipment. A broken seesaw and a merry go round... No swings, slides or climbing frames to be found here.

Back home, I did some laundry again, which is quite a challenge with my hands... Especially white laundry is very impractical here and very difficult to get clean. But wringing out my bedsheet was actually the most exhausting and it didn't work well :D After fetching water from the well again and cleaning my room, I really needed a bucket shower. But today everything had to be done quickly because there was a power outage again (the 5th time so far) and it is really dark here from 6:30 pm onwards.

For dinner, I only had cornflakes with bananas because I couldn't cook due to the power outage. In the evening, I have to take care of myself. But breakfast and lunch are provided at school.

On Wednesday, it was once again "Off to the kindergarten". But this time, it was the 2-4 year olds, yesterday it was the 4-5 year olds. Overall, I liked this group better, even though the children were just as exhausting as the others and the group consisted of 15 children instead of 6 :D Maybe it was also because I found the teacher much more likable, as you could clearly see that she enjoys her job. Let's see how the next few days go, as this was the last class/group that I looked at...

Matkaraportit Ghana