
Tayrona National Park

منتشر شده: 09.07.2016

After we left the coconut farm we directly went to the tayrona national park which is quite near. Our goal was to walk through the park to the beach called Cabo San Juan, sleep there for one night, hike back and take the bus to the city Santa Marta.

The weather was really really hot and we had all our luggage with us. That means sweat, sweat, sweat! We walked about 3-4 hours through the jungle, passing by the first beach Arrecifes and finally reached Cabo San Juan. Just having the cold water of the sea in mind, we had to stay in line at the reception to get a hammock for the night for nearly 1 1/2 hours. After being introduced to our sleeping place we finally jumped into the refreshing cold water at the beautiful beach. It was all worth it! We spend the day at the beach, took a meal in the evening and went to bed. The next day I had to find out that I got diarrhea ... Again! Shit! So we decided to stay for one more night. Not the worst decision staying at a beautiful beach, but it also cost some money for the accommodation, food and especially water. There was no special water supply, so you had to buy every single bottle of water and they had just small ones. The thing was, they call themselves environmentalists. You could read it on every single sign. But producing such a big amount of trash and especially plastic by selling a lot of shit and just small bottles, I think, that this has nothing to do with caring about the environment. Wouldn't it be easier to ensure water supply that is filtered?! Sure, I get the point: you make more money out of it! But please, don't call yourself environmentalists...!

So the next day we left tayrona heading to Santa Marta. At the end it was a beautiful park with more beautiful beaches, but the trek was nothing special. I saw one animal: a monkey at the very end, it was very touristic and at the end I spend more money than in the 2 1/2 weeks before. Whatever! Next destination please!


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