

منتشر شده: 19.10.2019

Travel to Karlstad

First of all, we started with a long train journey. To be exact, it wasn't just a train journey because we took our train onto the ferry in Puttgarden. Right after that, I had to transfer to a rail replacement bus which took me to Copenhagen.

Travel route to Karlstad
Travel route to Karlstad

In Malmö, I stayed overnight and the next day we continued by train through the Swedish landscape. First along the coast, later along Lake Vänern, where Karlstad is also located.

Life in Karlstad

I live here in a two-person shared flat with a beautiful and fairly large kitchen on the 3rd floor. So I have a good view of all the other student dorms that together with my dorm make up a small residential area. The residential area is called Campus, which is somewhat misleading because the actual campus is also called Campus.
I started playing indoor hockey and bought a bike right from the beginning. The university, my workplace, is only a few hundred meters away and I can easily ride my bike to the city.
Left: View from my kitchen, Right: Innebandy stick
Left: View from my kitchen, Right: Innebandy stick

The Internship

I was welcomed very kindly into the team and my work consists of helping wherever help is needed. I am also always asked if I want to join when something interesting is happening outside. For example, I participated in two excursions to the nearby area, helped with catching spiders, and have a bunch of data to analyze.
Catching spiders in the forest

Since I am writing this post in October, I can already tease that I have participated in some exciting projects in October. I hope I manage to finish the next post not only at the beginning of December.

The Landscape

Besides 'forest and lakes', there is not much to say about it...

... and lakes.

Why Sweden?


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