Deutschland-Kaukasus 2022 mit dem VW T3
Deutschland-Kaukasus 2022 mit dem VW T3

Tag 44 Georgia - Kutaisi

منتشر شده: 04.08.2022

Today was all about the departure.

We spent the morning packing, weighing, and repacking. Eventually, we managed to have all our luggage weigh at least half a kilo under the weight limit. Hopefully, the scale doesn't weigh more during check-in and hopefully there won't be any trouble with the hand luggage. We will see...

Afterwards, we went to the center of Kutaisi. There is a huge market there where you can find daily necessities, toys, clothes, tools, and most importantly, food. It's incredible, huge halls with countless stalls selling fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, flour, spices, etc. Everything loose, in large quantities... Like a giant unpackaged store, a great but also very specific atmosphere...

After a short stroll through the side streets, we were already back at the hotel and spent the afternoon there as well.

In the evening, we were invited to a barbecue by our hosts. Besides the hosts Tamara and Georgi, their sons and an Armenian acquaintance were also present, interesting conversations arose between us. We had shashlik, fresh bread, and salad, as well as cooked chicken, along with homemade wine. We toasted to everything possible, the host poured frequently and had various reasons to toast (family, business, etc.) ready.

By the way, I learned from him that you toast to pretty much everything except love and health.

Of course, everyone had a turn, my wish for world peace and education for fellow human beings was apparently acceptable. So the wine glasses were frequently refilled and the evening went by quickly.

Now just a quick nap, our taxi will come at 3:30 am and take us to the airport.



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