
Minu teekonna algus

Avaldatud: 16.09.2016

Dear family, friends, acquaintances and interested parties

I will try to write a small post here from time to time to keep you updated on how I am doing, what I am currently experiencing and where I am currently staying.

Since I am starting blogging a little late, I will briefly explain the first few days of my trip. In addition, I can recommend that you read Martina's blog. She has described our first 10 days together in Bali very well :-)

I arrived on the other continent in the afternoon of August 11th in Singapore. This city is really huge, but very clean, well organized and structured. I easily found my hostel by taking the metro, but unfortunately it was a bit of a disappointment. The 14-bed room was more like a corridor with wooden walls on the sides, behind which there were small sleeping niches. To move around a bit after the 12-hour flight, I took an evening walk in the Colonial District and strolled to Marina Bay. The next day I flew to Bali.

At the airport, I was confronted with the local culture for the first time, because in Singapore you still had the feeling of being in a Western city. When the taxi drivers saw me with my backpack, they pounced on me. But my best friend Lonely Planet had already warned me about the exorbitant prices at the airport. So I tried to fend off the gang, fought my way to the exit and hailed a taxi on the nearby main road, where the price was not even half as much. In the hotel, I then met my two travel companions Martina and Laura.

I will let you read about the next ten days in Bali on Martina's blog :-)

Link to Martina's blog:  


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